
I absolutely love watching and listening to christinas readings- she is so specific and careful with her words. she is intuitive and brings her readings to life with gorgeous, vibrant language.
I am so grateful and thankful to have aligned to Christina and I CAN NOT wait to see where life takes this beautiful Soul.
So much love for you pretty girl, keep shining!

ParnelSeattle, WA, USA

Wow, where to even start? I found Christina when I was at a very low point in my journey. I was going through a lot of darkness, but her messages always seemed to make me hopeful that there was light at the end of the tunnel and that I had that light within me as well. Her messages have always hit home for me in a multitude of ways, but the BEST part of her message is the unconditional love and undying faith that she has. It makes everything so much more meaningful and genuine because that is who she is.
I am so grateful and thankful to have aligned to Christina and I CAN NOT wait to see where life takes this beautiful Soul.
So much love for you pretty girl, keep shining!

Tia H.Minnesota, USA

I always thoroughly enjoy your readings and they bring me up at least one level every time I watch them. You have a gift and a very enjoyable way of sharing it. Thank you for that.

Gina S.Uxbridge, ON

Funny, when I order a reading for me you speak to his energy. His reading...all about my energy. So it is incredibly fascinating to see how you work with our energies 🙂

It is incredibly true though, this is all very much happening. Deeper and deeper levels of connecting that I never even dreamed possible. So much love in these kinds of relationships. I am always on the fence with 'twin flames' and divine partnership, but I continue to be shown that this is all very much real and possible. Though not at all as my mind would have thought this would all play out 🙂 (But sooo much more amazing!!!)

I have such a special place in my heart for you. Your readings and guidance have been so vital. I wish I could properly lay out this story....though we all have our own so what's one more lol. All of this is beyond my wildest dreams and I just love you so so so much for being here on this journey with me 💝

Paige E.Illinois, USA

All the readings I had with you made me look at my life from many different perspectives, and at talents within myself that I would not have discovered. Thank you for being a clear divine channel for us all.

Robo S.Texas, USA

Christina has done many readings for me and all tend to resonate and validate at the time. She is very passionate in her work and gives so much reassurance to your feelings and thoughts. She is a gentle soul with a big heart. I am happy to have found her.I am so grateful and thankful to have aligned to Christina and I CAN NOT wait to see where life takes this beautiful Soul.
So much love for you pretty girl, keep shining!

Anna C.Ontario, Canada

Omg! Christina excuse my language but I fucking love you!!!
You are such a blessing to myself and so many others. I am learning so much and growing. I love your daily Oracle and I am going into 2021 with great hope and optimism!
Thank you so much for your gift and your craft! I have been so lost and after finding you and listening to your knowledge and daily readings I am great gaining clarity and understanding of what I am and what I need to heal.
Much gratitude & love.

Theresa H.Minnesota, USA

Not only do I enjoy watching her “Daily Oracles,” but I have also received a few different readings from Christina over the past year. Christina’s energy is loving, tender, and peaceful. No matter what she was saying, she delivered them so compassionately. I found her readings to be insightful, accurate, and validating during times of change, struggle, and grief. She held a loving container for me and always extended so much kindness and empathy. Honestly, her energy is so healing she could be saying anything as all her messages are filled with PURE LOVE!

Tara M.Florida, USA

I'm so happy to have found Christina and the Shine Your Light collective! I was completely impressed by her natural and fluid readings. Everything she brought up resonated with an idea or feeling I was having about various aspects of my life- including several very specific and some what odd details that truly surprised me by coming through! Joining her on this lovely, winding roller coaster has reassured me that every step towards ascension is guided by the divine! Thanks for sharing your wisdom Christina

Hannah B.Minnesota, USA

Wow, goosebumps and tears. You are such a gift to me and the collective and your work is magical. Thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
EVERYTHING you said was spot on. And I wish I could share everything with you, because you would laugh at how spot on it is. Thank you thank you, so much love and gratitude for you and happy new year ✨🙏🏼💜So much love for you pretty girl, keep shining!


I’ve had two readings from you, the first one was back during the late summer, right before I completely jumped into the unknown and moved away from an old life. I followed my intuition and ended up moving to a place I had never visited before. I knew it was going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and that came through in the reading. But you told me that the universe is trying to unite me with my soul mate. And that gave me so much hope throughout these last couple months because holy shit has it been rough! I went full on hermit mode, literally haven’t seen anyone, and healed. Anyway, I’ve been listening and open to messages, especially through dreams. I had a dream about this guy who I barely know, he called me his queen. And it was the night of the great conjunction 😭 I woke up the next morning singing “what you know bout love” and in such a high vibration. I messaged him. And let’s just say I’ve been crying happy tears ever since 😭 it’s so so new, but already so deep.

And he lives 30 minutes away, and we actually briefly met on the trip that I took to Minnesota when I knew that I had to move here. Two weeks later I got offered a job, couple weeks later moved. But we weren’t ready to officially meet. We both had heartbreak to overcome. I just can’t even.

We’ll be meeting “officially” for the second time in the 3D in a week or two 💜💜

That’s a very short version in order to respect your time and energy. Thank YOU 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Alli F.Minnesota, USA

I started watching Christina's videos on youtube because I connected with her energy for some unexplainable reason. She switched to streaming on Instagram and we became friends via Instagram since the platform is conducive to community and interactions. Over that time I've done in depth readings, and short readings when I'm thinking through things whether they be about career or personal relationships. She's not going to give you a magic answer.....that you have to figure out for yourself but her readings do calm me and zen me out while I figure out my own answers as I navigate my life 🙂

Ileana CFlorence, Italy

You have left me speechless and that’s kind of rare for me… so grateful for this message from Source and you channeled what I needed to hear beautifully. Then, when you said ‘Cleopatra’ I about fainted. I have lucid dreams all the time about Ancient Egypt…

AnnaFindlay, OH

Your recent Daily Oracle `{`on Instagram`}` really struck me personally. Thank you for doing this magnificent work with us. You are amazing!

CharieManila, Philippines

I purchased some readings from Christina. My self and my sister's readings were right on point.
Well, at first my own was a little hazy and there were some details that did not align with me at the moment/day, that I watched it, and I was indeed a little bit disappointed. However, the reading stayed on my mind for a couple of days as I tried to iron out the details in my mind. I decided to watch it again, and then couple of days later, Voila! Those details that did not make sense, suddenly manifested into reality. They made 100% sense and I was left in shock! To say the least!

I needed to make some time to leave this review for anyone on the edge of ordering a reading from her or concerned that the pieces do not fit into the puzzle of life, they will. Christina is intuitive charismatic and forward in a matter that comes from a good place. She's given me hope and confidence for my future and that to me is priceless.

Mayra CUSA

There is no doubt in my mind that Christina is the most gifted and intuitive reader I’ve ever had the pleasure to receive a reading from. Twice now Christina has given me the most incredibly accurate descriptions of my current life, things that she could not possibly know, things I maybe wasn’t even consciously aware of myself. These descriptions are very tangible to me, there is nothing vague or easy to interpret in whatever way you choose, these are things that are true in the purest form.

The first reading I had from Christina a little over a year ago was wonderful, and it included talk of my twin flame finding his way to me. At that time, it made no sense to me at all. A few days ago I woke in the early hours of the morning and was moved to watch back the reading. It was genuinely mind blowing to realise that everything Christina had predicted, had come to pass. So much so that even my very sceptical partner had to agree that Christina has a gift!

After this, I ordered a further reading, which I simultaneously laughed and cried at all the way through. It was so specific, and so precise, it shook me to my core. Any doubts, fears, worries I had, have disappeared and I know exactly what I need to do moving forward.

Accuracy aside, Christina is such a warm and empowering person to have contact with. It is clear for all to see how passionate and empathetic she is, and how much love, joy and gratitude she puts out into the world. I feel absolutely renewed anytime I see her read, and she gives me such great self belief and confidence to follow my intuition.

Thank you Christina, from the bottom of my heart. I truly hope you know how much difference you make to peoples lives.


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